
In these next sections you'll find detailed instructions and examples of how-to scenarios in TaxonWorks, sometimes from the perspective of a specific projects needs.

With this manual we break down TaxonWorks into sections by different pivot points. For example, once you've understood the basic interface of TW, you may want to focus on given areas of interest such as managing your source data or your images or creating a matrix or entering data as part of your digitization efforts.

Of course, you may also want to focus your work around a particular process instead such as filtering existing data to create a subset of records for download or for verification and editing.

What follows next are sections dedicated to how-to for specific major functions of TW and to processes available.

Note in the Community Documentation section you can find examples of entire manuals written for a specific group managing their project data in TW as well as workflows and protocols for how they manage specific tasks in TW (aka "standard-operating-procedures").